Natural Collagen Induction Therapy, or Microneedling, has been around for a long time but has become increasingly popular over the past couple of years. Founded on the skin’s natural ability to repair itself when physical damage occurs, Microneedling simply encourages this healing process. In essence, the damaged collagen and elastin is replaced by fresh, new collagen and elastin. This is an extremely popular treatment not only because of the significant results it achieves, but because it is a safe, chemical-free method that triggers new collagen production. Microneedling can be performed on all skin colors and types, which is a big plus for many people who suffer from contraindications that prohibit certain treatments.

So what exactly is Microneedling?

A small handheld device delivers tiny needles at specific and targeted depths into the skin to create controlled micro-channels in order to naturally produce collagen and elastin. The skin’s emergency repair process results in improvement of the appearance of wrinkles, scarring (such as acne and chicken pox, deep cuts, suture scars, etc.), and overall tone and texture. Automated micro-needling also creates superficial micro-channels which can be used with topical gels, creams and serums to help improve the appearance of the epidermal layer of the skin.

What exactly does Microneedling treat?

The way that Microneedling works is by flooding the treatment area with healthy new collagen protein. In doing this, the technique can address multiple concerns simultaneously. These include:

  • Acne scars, chicken pox scars, and surgical or injury scars

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Loose skin and mildly saggy jowls

  • Crepey skin on the neck and face

  • Tissue laxity on the abdomen and backs of the arms

Who is a good candidate for Microneedling?

Many adults are excellent candidates . Patients with severe acne or an active skin infection may need to receive appropriate medical treatment prior to their microneedling session. If you are beginning to see signs of aging, want to preserve your youthful collagen, or are ready to correct cosmetic concerns related to aging and sun damage, microneedling may be the perfect treatment for you.

Benefits of Microneedling:

Microneedling is a popular treatment option for men and women who want a natural boost for their skin. Treatment is comfortable and takes only a few minutes to complete the actual procedure. Side effects from microneedling are short-lived and mild; many patients go right back to work or their normal activities. Finally, microneedling achieves immediate results that only get better with time.

Does Microneedling hurt?

Before commencing with microneedling, we desensitize the skin with a topical analgesic, so our patients feel virtually nothing as the tiny needles pass over the epidermis. We apply the topical numbing cream prior to treatments and patients say they don’t feel a thing! With little to no downtime, it is the perfect after-work procedure. You will be pretty red immediately after treatment, but it usually subsides by the next day.

Are Microneedling results permanent?

The results of a single microneedling treatment can last up to one month or slightly longer. When a series of treatments are performed, the effects of collagen proliferation can last several months at a time. A personal consultation with one of our licensed medical estheticians will enable you to identify your long-term needs that include microneedling paired with quality skin care products for the longest lasting results.

So how many treatments will I need?

One treatment achieves subtle, temporary cosmetic enhancement. While every situation is unique, most patients achieve substantial improvement with a series of 3 to 6 microneedling sessions scheduled a few weeks apart. The more treatments that are conducted in the series, the more collagen induction is supported. Once the desired degree of change has been achieved, maintenance treatments may be scheduled as infrequently as once a year!

Is Microneedling safe?

Microneedling is a safe and effective procedure that can achieve outstanding results through collagen induction. There is no heat involved so no risk of burns or pigment reaction. The needles that create microchannels in the skin are sterile and ultra-fine, so virtually no risk of tearing, which could occur with a dermal roller (we don't like nor do we recommend those...that's for another blog post). We use an automated device that delivers minute punctures in a controlled, vertical manner to preserve the skin throughout the process. It is important to receive microneedling treatments in a professional clinical setting from an experienced provider, such as AO-The Space.

Microneedling results:

Across the board, patients who have undergone microneedling notice smoother, more radiant skin. The automated technique promotes rapid changes in the collagen matrix beneath the epidermis for improved texture and tone. As more collagen is made by the stimulated fibroblast cells, the skin may improve even further by tightening and naturally healing spots and scars from acne and other dermatologic events. Some of the results from microneedling can be seen as soon as redness diminishes, and many more are seen as the skin is rebuilt from the inside out with healthy new collagen.

Microneedling side effects?

There are very few side effects after microneedling at AO-The Space. The most substantial is the transient redness that develops during the treatment process and diminishes over the course of several hours. After redness has decreased, the skin may appear slightly pink for a day or two. Some patients may notice subtle bruising in areas where there is minimal fatty tissue beneath the skin, such as around the eyes. This is generally very mild and easily covered with mineral makeup. Most patients do not experience discomfort after microneedling. If any sensation does occur, it is usually comparable to a mild sunburn and manageable with over-the-counter pain medication.

Microneedling recovery:

Because professional microneedling using our automated device is so gentle to dermal tissue, there is no major recovery after treatment. Redness that occurs immediately following treatment stems from the body’s natural inflammatory response to the micro-wounds made by tiny needles. Within a few hours, redness dissipates to a pink hue, like a mild sunburn. This will fade within a day or two and can be covered with mineral makeup. It is important to moisturize the skin as directed by your service provider and to wear sunscreen as recommended, which you should be using daily regardless.

Throughout the first week after microneedling, the skin may begin to appear rough and flaky. This is the release of old, dead cells in preparation for new cellular growth. After approximately 7 days, all side effects should be gone and you will enjoy glowing, beautiful, radiant skin!

Schedule a consultation:

If you are interested in learning what Microneedling can do for you, give us a call to schedule a consultation. Microneedling at AO-The Space will be the best experience in the best atmosphere. We'll see you at The Space!


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