How To Take Control of Your Presence + Calm in the Craziness That Is 2020

What a chaotic year it's been, huh? And although 2020 has been chaotic, I'll forever be grateful because 2020 brought me my new location of AO-The Space!

Since the invention of chat rooms and the explosion of social media, humans have been able to stay connected, even if you physically live isolated from the entire world. However, with this explosion has come a different form of isolation. And this social and health crisis (as well as election anxiety) has officially given it a name: "Doomsday Scrolling." This is detrimental to those already suffering from anxiety, as these topics only serve to increase these anxious feelings.

We all have some degree of anxiety. But for some, these feelings can render them completely isolated and spiraling into severe depression. I've compiled a list of things to do that I have found helpful to take my mind off of the world around me, which in turn have given me great presence, peace, and calm. My hope is that this will help you, too, navigate these times. So if you feel like it's time to step away for a momentary break, these little activities are perfect for channeling positive energy!

1. Organize!

For those that don't know, I am a certified Type-A germaphobe. But like many of you who lead busy lives, sometimes the last thing you want to do when you get home after a busy day is go through the mail, empty the dishwasher, and keep up with laundry. However I do have to say that when I dedicate even a little bit of time to organizing and getting the house in order, I always feel energized and uplifted!

2. Have a Game Night!

How to pass time while disconnecting from social media while simultaneously connecting to a loved one? Puzzles, playing cards, or a board game are great (and fun) activities! The simple nostalgia of these fun pastimes really had a comeback when the pandemic first arrived and stopped the world. Why not pull them out again and give it another go? I don't know about you, but I always have the most fun when I play cards or a board game with my S.O. And if you're competitive like we are, the games can go on for hours with us trying to even the scores!!

3. Try Your Hand at Making A Sweet Treat!

Getting in the kitchen to whip up something sweet is always fun...and let's face it, you're rewarded at the end. That's a major WIN!!

4. Start (Or Finish) That DIY Project!

There's no better time than to tackle that DIY project you've been wanting to do. The quiet time disconnecting while simultaneously doing something that will leave you with a sense of achievement will do wonders for you. And just think, if the DIY project is substantial enough, you might have found a new calling that could lead to a side hustle earning you extra bucks. Not too shabby!

5. Read a New Book (Or Reread An Old Favorite)!

I love to read. And escaping into the pages of a good book is, in my opinion, unmatched! Pick up that book you've heard about, or dive into old faithful. It's a great way to escape far away, all from the comfort of your own home. Not a reader? No worries! An audiobook is another great way to get some "reading" in and the best part is you are free to do other small mindless tasks while doing so!

6. Hop On the Bread-Making Bandwagon!

One of the fondest memories I have growing up is the smell of fresh-baked sourdough bread filling the entire house. There is nothing in the world like taking that first slice, hot out of the oven, and letting the flavor infiltrate your entire mouth. This memory is so vivid in my mind that I can literally smell and taste it while I type this. And because sourdough begins with a sourdough starter, this slow process can actually be quite calming. Plus, once you have a viable starter, you'll have the pleasant reward of fresh baked bread to enjoy on a regular basis if you choose!

7. Try Guided Meditation!

Changing your mental focus can be difficult. And if you feel this list of activities just aren't doing enough to change your frame of mind, then a guided meditation might just be the thing for you to try! There's some really fantastic guided meditations you can find on Spotify or YouTube ranging in time from 10 minutes to an hour or more. I started with guided meditations myself, and have worked my way to self-guided. All in all, I have been practicing meditation for about 8 years now and I always feel refreshed, centered, and even enlightened!

8. Get Your Hands Dirty!

Plants have a way of calming me. This is one of the reasons I love having them all over at The Space! And this sense of calm is infectious because we get comments daily on how our guests love all the plants around. We have even teamed up with Farmhouse Foliage Co. to showcase some of their beautiful plants that are for sale for those who would like to take them. Plants need love and attention, and caring for them during times of stress can be particularly calming. Growing and cultivating things gives us purpose, and right now we could all use a little bit of purpose and sense of control. There's just something so satisfying about watching a plant grow and thrive!

9. Treat Yourself To Some DIY At-Home Self-Care!

This is one of my favorite ways to disconnect and relax: start with a relaxing and detoxifying epsom salt bath, followed by a good body exfoliation (while the skin is soft). Then shower off the scrub and follow up with lotions and creams. I then like to move on to my skincare routine, which includes a double cleanse, exfoliant, mask for 15-30 minutes, toner, serums, eye treatment, moisturizers, and maybe even some chilled Gua Sha massage or a little cold globe action. 2 words: WORTH IT!

So there you have it. A handy list of activities that will help you disconnect all while feeling peaceful, present, and calm. If you find any of these help, then it may be worth thinking about implementing the practice(s) regularly. We all deserve to find joy in each and every day. Cheers to finding yours!

Stay healthy, stay well, and have a beautiful day!

xo - Jessie


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