Acupuncture As A Healing Medicine
Let’s be real here, volunteering to have a licensed practitioner stick needles into your body for healing purposes may sound ridiculously absurd, but acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice of penetrating the skin with tiny, stainless steel needles, continues growing in popularity year after year. More than 10 million patient acupuncture sessions happen in the United States every year!
The reason for its appeal? Acupuncture is generally safe and may be an effective therapy to help address a variety of health concerns.

For the Love of AHA’s
Here's one topic I really love talking about, and I can get quite long-winded when I get on a roll. So I am going to try my best to stick with the short explanation 😜
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA's) are acids derived from natural substances such as sugarcane, milk, and grapes, just to name a few. We'll touch on more later…
Seriously, this is such a fun topic and once you understand AHA’s better, it will help you when choosing what skincare and ingredients are right for you. You know what they say: the more you know...!

Natural Collagen Induction Therapy
Known as being one of the hottest MedSpa treatments around, Natural Collagen Induction Therapy also known as it's more frequently used name, Microneedling, is here to stay...and for good reason!