Cutera truBody System: truSculpt + truFlex
Hi friends! We have been getting so many questions regarding truSculpt and truFlex, and body sculpting and contouring in general, so I figured I would give you a detailed blog post to hopefully answer most, if not all, of your questions. And if there’s anything else left unanswered, don’t hesitate to reach out to us or set up a FREE consultation with one of our Cutera experts. Now let’s get to it!
Let's be honest for a moment... you aren’t a pro athlete or movie star with a team of professional trainers and nutritionists focused on turning you into the perfect specimen. So, just like everyone else, the demands of everyday life make it hard for you to find time to go to the gym, never mind scouring grocery stores for the healthiest food. It’s as though the world is conspiring against your goal of eliminating lingering fat. Thankfully we have the time-efficient, muscle-toning and body shaping solution you’ve been looking for at AO-The Space, and it is called truBody.
truBody is comprised of two specialized and highly advanced pieces of aesthetic equipment. In fact, Cutera’s truBody system is a multiple award winner, topping other modes of body contouring such as CoolSculpting or Emsculpt. I will get into the exact comparison details later in the blog.
Let’s start with truSculpt: what exactly is truSculpt for fat reduction? Imagine achieving the results associated with months of pouring sweat into rigorous workouts and dieting without the strenuous, time-consuming effort. Today there is an aesthetic treatment that will help you achieve your ideal body without the seemingly superhuman efforts. truSculpt, the latest advancement in body sculpting by Cutera, will give you the body you’ve always wanted! How does truSculpt accomplish what sounds like an impossible task? By pinpointing fat cells and rapidly cleansing them from targeted areas with non-invasive electrical energy. These pulses stimulate your fat cells to induce necrosis in a matter of mere seconds! Through truSculpt, your glutes will become rounder and firmer while your abs will lose fat and gain definition. truSculpt treatments have been cleared for the abdomen and buttocks by the FDA, while thigh and arm treatments are currently in the works. Finally… get all of the results with none of the sweat!
truSculpt fat reduction works by attaching therapeutic paddles onto a patients body that release radio frequency (RF) mono-polar energy. This energy targets fat cells and induces cell death by heating them up to around 44 degrees Celsius. This temperature will not harm any of the surrounding tissue but is enough to cause irreversible cell damage to the fat tissue. The body naturally eliminates the dead fat cells through the lymphatic system over the next few weeks. The result is a noticeable 24% reduction of fat from a 15 minute fat removal session. Fat cells are permanently eliminated in the target treatment area exposing a slimmer and more toned body.
What Happens During A truSculpt Treatment? There is a lot of information about the benefits of truSculpt and how it works, but what is an actual session like?
The Practitioner attaches the truSculpt paddles to the areas that you want to treat.
You will start to feel heat from the paddles similar to a hot stone massage.
You will then feel the heat being distributed over the fat, but your skin will remain a few degrees cooler than the fat layer.
The paddles will then cycle on and off to maintain the fat cells at a constant temperature which causes them to die.
Dead fat cells will then be eliminated naturally by your endocrine system.
You will continue to lose fat for the next 12 weeks.
Why choose AO-The Space for your truSculpt treatment? There are several MedSpas in Greenville, SC, that offer similar fat removal services. But none of them offer the full truBody platform which has been shown to outperform all other treatments on the market. With the full truBody platform, which includes truSculpt and truFlex, AO-The Space is able to offer a rare experience you will not find anywhere else. truFlex takes your regular fat reduction treatment to the next level by increasing and toning the muscles that were hiding under the previous layer of fat. This combination of removing the layer of fat and then pumping up and toning the underlying muscles have produced dramatic visual results in our patients.
truSculpt Frequently Asked Questions:
Does truSculpt have any scientific studies? truSculpt fat reduction is backed by many scientific studies, including government clinical studies to be FDA cleared: truSculpt Clinical Study.
Will truSculpt remove my belly fat? truSculpt is designed to be most effective on belly fat, glutes, thighs, arms and chin. Our Cutera experts will measure your fat in the treatment areas to plan your truSculpt treatment.
How much does truSculpt cost? Pricing starts at $1500 per treatment. The price of truSculpt depends on the particular patients’ needs and how many sessions are recommended. If multiple sessions are required, discounted package pricing is available. We also accept payment plan options, for those wanting to pay over time!
Are there any side effects from truSculpt? Research has shown no safety issues or side-effects with truSculpt treatments. However, truSculpt isn’t safe to use if you have a pacemaker or any other metal or electronics inside your body.
Can you get treatment while pregnant? truSculpt is a very safe procedure for a majority of patients, but those who are pregnant or have pacemakers, defibrillators, metal implants in the treatment area, or other health concerns shouldn't undergo the procedure.
trusculpt and CoolSculpt Comparison:
Distinguishing the best among these two treatments is truly a moot point because they have significant differences from effectivity, duration of the treatment per session, the result itself, to the cost of each procedure. Both treatments are non-surgical, hence making these two treatments safe from anesthetic risks and complications that other invasive treatments have as side effects. Invasive treatments like liposuction, another body fat removal procedure that aggressively “sucks” out adipose cells from the body through the use of a high-power vacuum, usually makes use of general anesthesia pre-treatment and other medications post-treatment which could result in many health complications. truSculpt and CoolSculpting apply opposite mechanisms in treating specific areas, the former eliminates fat by heating the cells, and the latter by freezing it. Both are effective in doing their job, but truSculpt shows the most promising results in one single treatment only, an average of 24%. This same result could be achieved by CoolSculpting, but would take much longer and more sessions. One other distinction between truSculpt and CoolSculpting is the area of coverage per session. trusSculpt uses a smaller device than CoolSculpting, allowing truSculpt the ability to treat other areas simultaneously. At AO-The Space we offer truSculpt because through our research we have found that truSculpt is more effective and eliminates more fat in a single session than any other treatment being offered right now. With that, CoolSculpting limits the treatment area to one per session, requiring the clients to have more treatments to cover all of the desired areas for enhancement. Both ways of body fat reduction processes kills fat tissue and breaks down fat cells that can be easily excreted by the body’s natural metabolic processes, therefore consequently giving a permanent fat loss result. Both modalities can also treat hard-to-reach areas like upper arms, inner and outer thighs, the submental (under chin), the back, the abdomen, and the love handles. CoolSculpting is more effective in treating “pinchable” areas because the device used needs to grab and suck up the skin to freeze the fat tissue within the area terminating fatty cells, while truSculpt beneficially treats even, flat areas of the body. This allows truSculpt to treat problems anywhere on the body according to the patient’s goal. Tightening and firming of the skin is also a secondary and remarkable benefit a patient will experience with truSculpt, and who doesn’t like happy accidents or a 2 for 1? Cost comparison wise? Both deliver permanent results, but only truSculpt can greatly cut the cost of body reshaping because the 6 handpieces can treat multiple areas at the same time.
Now let’s move on to truFlex: do you know the exact secret to getting fit without stepping foot inside a gym? 2020 was a tough year for many people around the world due to the pandemic. It affected us not only on a physical scale but also on a psychological and mental health scale. While the quarantine was essential for the safety of people within the comfort of their homes, another problem started making its way through the cracks. That’s right, you guessed it: WEIGHT GAIN!!! Fitness is a way of life. Many people want to live active lifestyles but don’t have adequate time or the necessary equipment and resources to accomplish this. Enter truFlex, a revolutionary technology to solve all your problems. The significance of this technology is its versatility across the spectrum. Whether you are a busy mom who doesn’t have much time for yourself, or a 9 - 5 worker too busy to go to the gym, or even someone who is fit but doesn’t have any clue about how to drop those last few stubborn pounds, this method will work for everybody. You may be wondering, Is there really a way to build muscle without exercising? Yes, there is!!! truFlex is a state-of-the-art technology that taps into the knowledge of human physiology and brings you modern solutions to outdated woes and issues. Every person has a unique body structure and shape, muscle building, and fat levels in different areas of the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs, so we conduct a detailed and thorough examination and consultation beforehand to offer you fully customized treatments tailored according to your specific needs and body specifications. truFlex targets the specific muscle groups in your body simultaneously and employs a unique method to work on them. Each 15 minute treatment is the equivalent of doing 54,000 reps. Yes, you read that correctly! This amazing body sculpting technology has proven itself time and again with successful long-lasting results in all age ranges. One of the most amazing things about truFlex, if you ask me, is because it is anaerobic (vs. aerobic) you don’t experience the typical muscle soreness and extreme fatigue one usually does because there is no release of lactic acid within the muscles worked. WHAT?!?! So to reiterate, 54,000 reps and NO SORENESS…all in only 15 minutes. truFlex’s selective process of electrical stimulation strengthens and tones the muscles from origin to insertion, which are tough to work on on your own and would require many different workout machines and even more reps. Let’s not even get into the soreness and needing to take rest days to recover. While this technology is ideal for patients with little to no downtime, it’s also suited for those who somehow manage to take time out of their busy schedules and tend to stay active and fit, yet still struggles with issues like plateauing and difficulty dropping those last few pounds, especially when we all want to occasionally indulge on a delicious slice of pizza or a few bites of dessert after a tough day at work. With truFlex, you can leave the heavy lifting to us. Say goodbye to your insecurities with truFlex at AO-The Space!
truFlex and EmSculpt Comparison:
Technologies like EmSculpt utilize electromagnetic stimulation to induce muscle contractions, whereas truFlex utilizes electrical stimulation. During EmSculpt’s electromagnetic stimulation, a magnetic field is applied over the area of interest resulting in the activation of peripheral nerves that stimulate the muscles. Unlike truFlex that can stimulate specific muscles by the placement of individual handpieces, EmSculpt requires bulkier hardware and does not provide a focal stimulus in a controlled manner. EmSculpt, therefore, cannot target specific muscles. truFlex also provides much better body coverage, allowing treatment of up to 8 areas at once relative to the maximum of 2 areas by treatments involving EmSculpt. truFlex, besides being flexible in handpiece placement, allows for the reversal of the direction of the application of the current with its multi-directional stimulation technology. In contrast, EmSculpt only allows contraction in a single direction. truSculpt flex can comfortably use between 10-20mA of energy to produce results equivalent to those produced by EmSculpt, that requires up to 2 Tesla of magnetic energy. Thus, truFlex can stimulate specific muscle sets and provides better body coverage while being more energy efficient. Changes may become visible after only 4 treatments of 15 minutes each with treatments spaced as little as 48 hours apart. Thus, truFlex can result in improvements in muscle mass in a much more time-efficient and safe manner. Check out this YouTube video:
Individually, you can achieve great results with just one device. However when paired together, well that’s where the magic happens! And together it is what we call the truBody system. Stellar permanent results can be yours with this powerhouse duo!
Still have questions? Or are you ready to get the body you’ve always wanted? Schedule a FREE consultation with one of our Cutera Experts to see if truBody is right for you!
I am beyond thrilled to be able to offer this state-of-the-art technology to Greenville and the surrounding areas of the upstate! We can’t wait to celebrate your body contouring goals with you!
Stay healthy, stay well, and have a beautiful day!
xoxo - Jessie