Cucumber on the eyes? Toothpaste on pimples? The cucumber can definitely be cooling and pleasant and the pimple may dry out and shrink, but there are no miracle cures that help in the long run.

We’re bombarded with conflicting information every single day and we understand that it can be difficult to distinguish between what is true or false. Here we bust some of the most common skin care myths!

Can I moisturize my skin by drinking water?
MYTH: The skin feels good after drinking water, but it only becomes noticeably visible on the skin when you are severely dehydrated. The skin needs to add moisture from the outside and the barrier function must work successfully, otherwise moisture still evaporates away.

If I have oily skin do I still need to moisturize?
FACT: If you don't use a moisturizer on oily skin, it will only make the problem worse. Oily skin still needs hydration because if it feels dry it will over-compensate by producing more sebum, which makes it feel even more oily.

Do I choose skin care based on my age?
MYTH: Age is not a skin type. A person in their 50’s may have exactly the same skin problems as someone in their 20’s. Choose skin care by skin type.

Are natural ingredients best for my skin?
MYTH: There is no research that shows that natural or organic ingredients are better for the skin. Pure plant extracts can be as allergenic or irritating as an ingredient produced in a lab. The only thing that sets natural ingredients apart from chemical ones is that they are nature-derived and are not synthetic or have any artificial ingredients or fillers. So the chances of having an allergic reaction is minimal, even though the risk is still there.

Will I still tan if I wear sunscreen?
FACT: UV filters usually make up only a third of the protection against UVB rays, which affect your melanin production. Sun protection doesn't completely stop a tan…it just slows the rate at which the skin darkens, which is a good thing!

If my skin feels tight after cleansing that means it's clean, right?
MYTH: When the skin tightens it means that it is surface-dry and needs moisture to regain balance. It is not proof that the skin is clean.

Does chocolate and fast food cause acne?
MYTH: No studies have indicated that chocolate or fast food cause acne. However, high levels of sugar (found in fast food and chocolate) can create inflammation in the body that can aggravate acne.

Should I change my skin care routine regularly to prevent my skin from getting used to it?
MYTH: If you have a skin care routine that works for your skin, there is no need to change it. However, you may need to get used to new products that contain active ingredients.

Are blackheads just pores filled with dirt?
MYTH: A blackhead occurs when a pore becomes clogged with sebum and old skin cells. Why it is black has nothing to do with it being filled with dirt, but is an effect of the keratin in the sebum plug having oxidized.

Is a higher concentration of active ingredients more effective for my skin?
MYTH: On the contrary. Mild, repairing, and balancing products are generally best for optimal skin health. High concentrations of active ingredients can be good for specific skin conditions such as pigmentation and wrinkles.

So there you have it! Are there any skincare facts or myths I didn’t cover? Let me know!

Stay healthy, stay well, and have a beautiful day!

xoxo - Jessie


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